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Our Counseling Department strives to enhance the well-being of our students and families by facilitating their emotional, interpersonal, academic and career development.
Our counselors provide individualized support for students and families, small group counseling, and facilitate conflict resolution to empower our students toward autonomy in grades K-12 and beyond.
At New Foundations, caring is not just something we talk about, it is the essential first step in developing emotionally sound and socially competent stewards of our society.
Welcome to our Virtual Calming Room! This resource is a place where members of our school community can find tools and strategies to help manage everyday stressors, overwhelming feelings and find self care activities.
No matter where learning takes place – in the classroom, at home, virtually or on-the-go – it’s important to check-in physically and emotionally to ensure children are feeling energized, supported and ready for what’s ahead. Action for Healthy Kids provides creative tips and resources to support students and families.
The "What's in your Toolbox" campaign was created by the New Foundations Minds Matter Club to encourage the acknowledgment of something that's often overlooked: the simple things that cheer us up. The goal is to bring people together and raise positive mental health awareness by celebrating the things that make us happy, even during hard times. The Minds Matter Club thanks everyone for their participation!
As stated in our school’s mission, we are here to “provide students with the academic, social, and emotional foundations and skills necessary to become high achieving, socially competent stewards of their communities. As a school, we embrace educating the whole child, which requires developing students’ social and emotional competencies as well as their academics.
Skills for Successful Learning (K-8) |
Skills for Successful Learning (K-8): To assist with the development healthy behavioral skills, and to manage the progress of students’ social-emotional competencies, the K-8 guidance department has created a Skills for Successful Learners Rubric, which monitors the following areas: Academic Self-Efficacy, Growth Mindset, GRIT, Emotional Competence and Learning Strategies & Classroom Effort. |
Student Ambassadors (HS) |
High school volunteers who serve as ambassadors for the school by guiding tours for visitors and hosting 8th grade shadow days for potential 9th grade students. |
NFCS Minds Matter (HS) |
NFCS Minds Matter (HS): Student led Mental Health Club that consists of students and faculty partnered with Minding Your Mind. |
Alumni Transcript Requests |
Email Ms. Allmond at gallmond@newfoundations.org. Please include your Full Name, Graduation Year, and Complete Address and/or Fax Number of where to send transcripts. |
K-12 Transcript Requests |
Email your assigned counselor for more information on how to request your transcript. |
Working Papers |
Students, aged 14-18, interested in acquiring working papers should visit the Career and Technical Education Center for more information. |
Our commitment to our students extends beyond our walls, and includes a commitment to their communities and families. No matter what challenges come along, we are here to help our students and families face them together. Below is a list of community-based services available to you (please note these services and resources are not affiliated with New Foundations Charter School). We are here to help and facilitate relationships with these services as much as you need.
What should I do if my child has a mental health emergency? |
People with suicidal thoughts or intent, or thoughts of harming others, need immediate attention. The resources below offer support in prevention of and during crisis: |
Philadelphia Children's Crisis Response Center (855) 580-4655 - Crisis support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support individuals, children, and families experiencing crisis situations. The center serves children and adolescents, ages 3-17. Address: 3300 Henry Avenue Falls Center 2, Suite 3N, Philadelphia, PA 19129. Examples of issues and challenges that may bring a young person to Philadelphia Children’s Crisis Response Center include the following:
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988 or 215-686-6440 |
Crisis Text Line Text HOME to 741741 |
How can I find a mental health professional for myself or my child? |
You can contact your insurance company to get a list of providers who are in your network. On the back of your insurance card, locate the managed care/substance-mental health customer service line. You can find affordable mental health services through Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration or call 1-800-662-HELP (4357). Your company’s employee assistance program (EAP) can issue a referral to a provider. Reach out to your Human Resources office to get more information about your company’s EAP. |
CAP 4 Kids |
Common Signs of a Teen with Suicidal Thoughts |
Stop Breathe Think |
Calm |
CORA Family Resource Line
Uplift At Home: Kids facing losses of all kinds (death and otherwise) as well as needing immediate emotional support can call UPLIFT Monday – Friday, 12pm – 9pm, and Saturdays/Sundays, 12pm – 4pm. The number is: 1-833-PHL-HOPE (or 833-745-4673). |
Community Resource Connects: Find community services to support your family, such as food, utilities, transportation, and more. |
Clarifi can help with financial issues related to Covid-19 and other issues. Services include help with developing an emergency financial plan, coaching for speaking with landlords and credit card companies, etc. Call 1-800-989-2227 to speak with a Clarifi representative. |
Comcast Internet Essentials
Low Cost Cell Phone Plans
Financial Assistance Programs for Home Utilities
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Act is a federal law that defines homeless children as “individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence”.
If you live in any of the following situations, you may qualify for certain rights and protections under the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Act |
In a shelter |
In a motel or campground due to the lack of an alternative adequate accommodation |
In a car, park abandoned building, or bus or train station |
Doubled up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship |
Unaccompanied youth which is defined as “a youth not in the physical custody of parent or guardian |
Eligible students have the right to |
Receive a free, appropriate public education |
Enroll in school immediately, even if lacking documents normally required for enrollment. |
Enroll in school and attend classes while the school gathers needed documents. |
Continue attending their school of origin if that is their preference and is feasible. If the school district believes the school selected is not in the student’s best interest, then the district must provide a written explanation and inform of rights to appeal its decision. |
Receive transportation to and from the school of origin, if requested. |
Receive educational services comparable to those provided to other students according to the students’ needs. |
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act - Basic Education Circular (BEC) |
The McKinney-Vento Basic Education Circular (BEC) explains the categories of children who are "homeless" and entitled to protections under the law. Please click the link HERE to view the McKinney-Vento BEC. |
McKinney-Vento Liaison Contact |
If you have questions about eligibility for services or need assistance accessing resources, please contact Maya Davenny (LCSW), NFCS's McKinney-Vento Liaison, at 215-344-6410 x8. |
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Informational Letter to Families 2023-24 |
McKinney-Vento FAQ |
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq., protects students from discrimination based on sex in educational programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. |
Senior Dues Amount: $185
Your Senior Dues Cover:
Payment Options (Suggested)
October 31 | $46.25 |
November 30 | $46.25 |
January 31 | $46.25 |
February 29 | $46.25 |
April 12 | $125 for 1 prom ticket $220 for 2 prom tickets |
* You can also pay bi-weekly, monthly or in multiple smaller payments. Cash or check can be handed into the main office or payments can be done on Infinite Campus under "fees"
Working Papers |
Students, aged 14-18, interested in acquiring working papers should visit the Career and Technical Education Center for more information. |
To register for your College Entrance Exams, visit the websites below and use the NFCS CEEB Code is 392803.
SAT vs. ACT - Which One is For You? |
SAT Registration Guide & SAT Test Day Checklist |
SAT Testing Schedule 2024-2025 |
SAT Registration |
SAT Practice |
ACT Testing Schedule 2024-2025 |
ACT Registration |
Counselor, Grades K-5
Counselor, Grade 6-8
Social Worker
Social Worker - McKinney-Vento Liaison
Counselor l Last Names Lew-Reye
Counselor l Last Names Dos-Leo
Counselor l Last Names A-Dor
Counselor l Last Names Reyn-Z
Counselor l Special Education