The Athletics Department

Home of the Bulldogs

Three high school students chatting with a basketball

Sportsmanship & stewardship.

The NFCS Athletics Department is committed to furthering our school’s mission of whole child development through physical fitness, good sportsmanship, and healthy relationships with teammates, opponents, and coaches. 

For high school and middle school students who are academically sound and in good social standing, we offer a variety of competitive sports and opportunities for our student athletes to represent our school community as proud Bulldogs. 

In addition to our own high standards, we follow the directives, rules, regulations, and guidelines for both High School and Middle School set by the Penn-Jersey Athletic Association (PJ-AA), and Metropolitan Philadelphia Athletic Association (MPAA).

Middle School Spring Registration Coming Soon!

Information & Resources

High School
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
Girls Volleyball
Boys and Girls Cross Country
Girls Tennis
Boys Flag Football
Girls Flag Football

Middle School
Coed Volleyball (6th-8th)
Coed Soccer (6th-8th)
Boys and Girls Cross Country (5th-8th)

NFCS Home Athletics Locations
NFCS Home Athletics Locations
High School
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Boys Bowling
Girls Bowling
Boys and Girls Indoor Track

Middle School
JV Girls Basketball (5th-6th)
V Girls Basketball (7th-8th)
JV Boys Basketball (5th-6th)
V Boys Basketball (7th-8th)
Cheerleading (5th-8th)

NFCS Home Athletics Locations
NFCS Home Athletics Locations

High School
Girls Lacrosse
Boys and Girls Track and Field
Boys Volleyball
Boys Tennis

Middle School
Coed 7v7 Football (6th-8th)
Boys and Girls Bowling (5th-8th)
Softball (6th-8th)
Baseball (6th-8th)
Boys and Girls Track (5th-8th)

NFCS Home Athletics Locations
NFCS Home Athletics Locations
Penn-Jersey Athletic Association
The mission of the Penn-Jersey Athletic Association (PJAA) is to provide high schools in the Delaware Valley, including New Jersey and Pennsylvania, the opportunity to compete inter-scholastically. The member schools will emphasize the educational value of athletics, promote safe and sportsmanlike competition, and encourage broad participation from as many student-athletes as possible.

2024 PJAA Fall Schedule

24-25 PJAA Winter Schedule

2025 PJAA Spring Schedule

Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association
The mission of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association, Inc. (PIAA) is to serve its member schools and registered officials by establishing policies and adopting contest rules that will emphasize the educational values of interscholastic athletics, promote safe and sportsmanlike competition, and provide uniform standards for all interscholastic levels of competition.

Metropolitan Pennsylvania Charter Athletic League
The mission of the Metropolitan Philadelphia Athletic Association is to help student-athletes grow athletically, academically, emotionally, physically, and socially. The MPAA will encourage and support broad participation from as many boys and girls as possible, whose teams will compete on an equitable basis with other schools without sacrificing sportsmanship and the general welfare of the school, community, and student.

Philadelphia Charter Schools Coaches Association

The mission of the Philadelphia Charter Schools Coaches Association (PCSCA) is to promote, protect, and teach student-athletes of Philadelphia area Charter Schools through effective leadership and professional development of coaches. 

A Legacy of Excellence

18 SEPCAL Championships 

2 MPAA Championships

25+ PJAA Championships

40+ Collegiate Athletes

Burgundy shirt that says Tradition Starts Here

School Spirit

Dress to impress!

Wear your Bulldog Pride.

gear up

Our Athletics Department Staff

Brian Dever

Director of Athletics and Activities


Trevor Stacey

Athletic Trainer


Cultivated Sportsmanship